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Revision as of 18:35, 15 November 2009 by Markdayel (Talk | contribs)

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This wiki describes how to set up and use the `comet' program.

You can read an introduction to the comet project here(to return here, click on 'cometwiki' rather than using the browser back button).

Essential Information

How the Program Works

Video Tutorials

Installing the Program

comet runs on any unix-like operating system, including OS X, Linux or Windows (under cygwin).

Running the Program

The program is called from the command line. The command line parameters tell the program what to do (calculate a new run, re-process existing data, interactive 3D view etc.). A cometparams.ini file in the working directory tells the program detailed information about the model parameters to use for calculation and display.

Simulator Output

Example Results

Model Robustness

In Vitro

In Depth Information

Inner workings of the code

Making Measurements

Code Status